A painting inspired by the beautiful pine woodlands of the Fraser Canyon, B.C.

A painting inspired by the beautiful pine woodlands of the Fraser Canyon, B.C.

This piece is inspired by the relationship between the Fraser Canyon mountains and their erosion into the Fraser River.

This piece is inspired by the relationship between the Fraser Canyon mountains and their erosion into the Fraser River.

The gorgeously rustic West Pavillion mountain bench lands carved by the Mighty Fraser River in B.C, Canada.

The gorgeously rustic West Pavillion mountain bench lands carved by the Mighty Fraser River in B.C, Canada.

I am passionate about nature and art. Together, they can create huge impacts in the lives of others and in our relationship with nature. If you love my work and want to pledge your support, please consider signing up for my Patreon membership.

I will be starting a Patreon campaign in the upcoming future and would love to include you as a supporter. Please reach out prior to my launch if interested in being included in this undertaking.

What is Patreon?

  • Patreon allows people who love what I do to support my art and related goals by making a monthly pledge

  • You will receive specific and beauty filled benefits according to the amount you commit to pledge every month.

  • Every pledge, no matter how small, makes a difference. (Imagine all the beautiful art that could be supported with 2000 or more people pledging $8 each/month)

  • When you start pledging your monthly contributions will begin

  • You can cancel or change your pledge at any time

  • You will get to feel good about what you are supporting:

    • helping bring more art into the world

    • supporting an artist in fulfilling their dreams

    • connecting yourself and others more with nature and the joy it brings

    • Bringing positive change for our beautiful and vulnerable planet and the other species we co-exist with.

Today, many contemporary artists are gaining support through a modern take on traditional patronage. Those who recognize the value of their work, and the important role art has in enriching lives and communities, provide financial support and receive value in return. So, if you would like to become a supporter of my work, please send me a message on the form below to be contacted once I launch my Patreon Memberships project.